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100% of users would recommend us! – 21st September 2016

It is one thing to have confidence yourself in your product but to have that confirmed by our customers is rewarding.

At MIE Solutions UK Ltd we strive to ensure we offer a world class service to our prospective customers, our new customers and our existing customers.  We endeavor to ensure that we will only sell our product MIE Trak Pro to a manufacturing organisation that we know we can help, no half measures.  We will never sell our product just to hit our sales targets or to increase our customer base .  We are proud of MIE Trak Pro and pride ourselves on always being honest, trustworthy and committed to providing a leading MRP Production Control Software solution to the manufacturing market.

From start to finish we will demonstrate, install, advise, train, adapt and then support you every step of the way throughout your MIE Trak Pro experience!

We have recently sent a Customer Satisfaction Survey to all of our customers, here is what they had to say about MIE Trak Pro and MIE Solutions UK Ltd:

Is MIE Trak Pro value for money?

92% of users rate us Very Good – Excellent!

Are MIE Trak Pro support contracts value for money?

100% of users rate us Very Good – Excellent!

What do our customers think of our Support Team?

100% of users rate our Support Team as Very Good – Excellent!

What about MIE Trak Pros’ software functionality?

84% of users would rate us Very Good – Excellent!

We believe we have a world class MRP Production Control Software solution for the manufacturing sector.  Thank you to our customers who have taken the time to complete our survey!

To say we are pleased is an understatement, we enjoy what we do and what we have here at MIE Solutions UK Ltd and we look forward to welcoming new customers in the very near future.

Maybe you are one of them?

Please contact us for a free No Obligation Demonstration, brochure, or for advice on our MRP Software.